Henry III Fine Rolls TEI-XML calendar files

URL: https://data.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/dataset/bf9dbf26-fa30-4063-bdfc-632c782dc80f/resource/aa45d68b-5c25-4705-90ee-f37e19e33600/download/frh3-data.tei-xml.zip

The Henry III Project has made freely available to all on its website translations of the rolls for Henry’s reign between 1216 and 1272.

This resource expose the TEI-XML files of these translations for all the calendar years including the translation of the Originalia rolls, the copies of the fine rolls sent to the Exchequer, which survive (see http://www.finerollshenry3.org.uk/content/commentary/originalia.html for more information).

In these translations modern forms, where identifiable, have been given for all place names and toponymic surnames. The translations have also been collated with the Originalia rolls, since these often contain significant information not found on the fine rolls.

For information on how the translations of the rolls were encoded following the TEI schema see http://www.finerollshenry3.org.uk/content/commentary/technical.html

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated March 26, 2018
Metadata last updated March 14, 2018
Created March 14, 2018
Format application/zip
License Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
created over 5 years ago
format XML
id aa45d68b-5c25-4705-90ee-f37e19e33600
last modified over 5 years ago
mimetype application/zip
on same domain True
package id bf9dbf26-fa30-4063-bdfc-632c782dc80f
revision id 5bb8cd32-3cc9-46fd-b4e2-60ec99f35a1a
size 5.1 MiB
state active
url type upload